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Crystal Skulls




What if every crystal skull guardian in the world focused on sending healing energy to Mother Earth and all life for five minutes on one special day - What do you think might happen to our world? November 22, 2014 is the first Crystal Skull World Day, which will seek to unite crystal skull guardians around the world towards a common goal of Peace and Harmony. Mark down on your calendar the November 22, 2014 local time to match up with 1 PM NYC (EST); 6 PM, London, UK (GMT); 5 AM November 23 in Sydney, Australia. There are also some secondary link up times that may be more convenient for certain time zones. Essentially there are three gatherings per time zone: for example, in the Los Angeles/Seattle Pacific time zone it will take place at 5 am, 10 am, & 3 pm on November 22 (you can download a timetable with the exact country specific information or use a tool like You can participate in any one of these gatherings for 5 minutes, or add the power of your intention to all 3 of the gatherings in one day - that's just 15 minutes of your time that could change the world!


Crystal skulls have the extraordinary power to raise consciousness, to shift energy, to heal people and places, and to assist in raising the frequency of humanity and of the Earth. Crystal skulls desire to come together and to work together. The more crystal skulls there are that are focused on a particular intention, the more it increases their power of amplification exponentially. What we can all do together is far greater than any one of us can imagine - the crystal skulls need us to bring them together with our collective intentions, and allow the shift to happen. This is why they have emerged to support us at this time on Earth, so let us support them to fulfill their purpose.

There is a trend of acquiring a new crystal skull to honor a significant event. For the upcoming Crystal Skull World Day Meditation, you may want to work with one of your most energized crystal skulls as you will be holding it in your hands for maximum transmission. Crystal Skulls are known to receive, transmit, record and store energy and information. You can personally benefit from the universal energies of the Crystal Skull World Day by wearing a 'memory' crystal skull pendant that records the events of the day, and holds the memories, energies, and frequencies of the moment (like storing computer files in a memory stick).


An message from the Crystal Skull Amar from feb. 2014


A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Receivers and Transmitters of Resonant Energy"


You are a receiver and transmitter of energy… so are crystal skulls, and so is everything on Earth. Everyone and everything emits energy and absorbs energy. People and animals are affected by the energies around them, whether they are consciously aware of these energies or not.


If there has been discord in a particular place, that place holds the resonant energy of that discord, which is essentially recorded in the energy field of that place. If there has been joy in a space, then that frequency of joy becomes woven into the energetic fabric of that space.


If you have ever walked into a place and immediately felt peace, you are responding to the energetic imprint of peace – likewise, if you have ever walked into a place and had an uneasy feeling, then you are picking up on discordant energy frequencies of what has transpired in that place before.


Crystals absorb and transmit energy in ways that are tremendously amplified. Those who are sensitive to energies can feel the energy emitted by crystals and crystal skulls, and can often feel a powerful vibration coming from them. Crystals and crystal skulls also absorb energies and record information from the people, places and things around them. Some of these energies are positive, while others may not be; some of these energies can be cleansed, while other energies become imprinted.


When crystals come out of the Earth, they are alive with energy, but as they sit in the "rough" in a warehouse, they become dormant, and some even become virtually depleted of all life force energy, as those in museums or those behind glass. It takes a conscious being working with crystals to awaken their energy – those who simply see them as "rocks" only experience the reflection of their own density.


When crystals are worked with for healing, meditation or intention, they become alive with energy and life force, and that energy can be directed at will.When crystals are carved, they very much take on the energies of the carver, and they absorb the energies of their environment, and of all those who touch them. Some of these energies can be cleansed, and some become imprinted. The energies of those who handle your crystal skull can affect the quality of the energy of that skull. When it comes to crystal skulls, the way a skull "looks" is not as important as its energy.


You may be attracted to the look of a crystal skull, much as you would be attracted to the look of a potential mate, but the energy must be resonant with yours in order to be beneficial, as in any relationship. In order to attract crystal skulls that are harmonious to your energy, it is important to allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, more than by your eyes, your ego, your mind, or your wallet.


The energetic quality of a crystal skull is of primary importance for the level of service it can give you. While the amount of energy may increase with s ize, small crystal skulls can be tremendously powerful, if they have been cleansed, energized and activated.Be aware, as with most things, that quality is a key component.


The higher the quality of the energy of the crystal skull, the higher the quality of the benefit you will receive from it. While many healers and practitioners can overcome some of the energies that get imprinted into the skulls from being warehoused or treated as a commodity, those crystal skulls that have been awakened as conscious, sentient beings will be of greatest service, for the highest and best good of all. Be conscious of your choice to choose consciously.


Remember, if you follow your inner guidance and intuition, you will be guided to the crystal skull that will best serve you, now and for the future. You will call forth the crystal skull that resonates on the highest frequency for your optimal wellbeing, that will support your intentions for the life you choose to experience, attract, create and manifest.


An gracious article from per Sept. 21, 2013


Crystal Skull Answers : Energetic Signature and Frequency in Crystal Skulls

At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:


QUESTION: Can you get the same energy and experience from a crystal that is not carved into a skull?


Crystals each hold an energetic signature and frequency – they transmit, amplify and store energy and information. Crystals “communicate” through energy and emit vibrations on different frequencies. These frequencies tend to be similar for stones that are the same, for instance, rose quartz vibrates on the frequency of love and emits loving energy that brings harmony and peace to the people and places that surround it.


When a crystal is carved into a skull, it still emits the vibrational frequency of the stone from which it is carved, however, unlike most crystals and other stone carvings, a crystal skull tends to have its own personality, and will often “talk” to those who will listen. Crystal skull carvers say that as soon as they carve the eyes of a crystal skull, that skull comes to life and develops a personality of its own, so they tend to carve the eyes last.


Crystal skulls also facilitate communication with one’s guides, as the guides can communicate through the skull as a type of receiver and transmitter, much like a radio. Crystal skulls of any size are powerful communicators that can help guide you on your path. While natural crystals can be programmed to amplify your thoughts and intentions, crystal skulls actually send these intentions out into the Universe to be manifested on the causal plane, then the crystal skulls amplify the force of magnetism to attract that manifestation into your reality. In essence, while our own mind has trouble focusing on one thought and sustaining that intention, a crystal skull can hold a thought indefinitely and single-mindedly until it is manifest.


Crystal skulls can also serve to guide you to your highest good, and can be encouraging, insistent or downright stubborn to whatever degree is necessary to coax you in the right direction. Crystal skulls are happiest when surrounded by other crystal skulls, as they tend to commune with each other and share energy and information. They can also commune with any and all crystal skulls along the crystalline grid, regardless of distance. It may sound odd, but those who have lots of crystal skulls have seen them actually smile when they are together. A crystal skull is a form of consciousness that communicates with thoughts and emotions – it is truly like a “pet rock” with conscious awareness and purpose.


A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Lightbeings"

Crystal skulls are life-forms – or light-forms. They allow lightbeings to be embodied on the earthplane without having to incarnate in a physical body. These lightbeings are able to express pure consciousness at the highest level through the crystalline skulls. The crystal skulls are multiplying exponentially on Earth at this time to help raise the frequency of humanity and to raise human consciousness to a level that can survive the coming changes that have already begun.


The Earth is being reborn into the 5th dimension, and the crystal skulls also serve as a type of acupuncture needle to help give energy to the Earth and release energy from the Earth so she can maintain balance and wellbeing through this shift and transition. In essence, the birthing contractions have begun which are shaking the planet – her water has broken, thus manifesting in inundations of water in all forms. The crystal skulls are spreading throughout the planet to ease this transition f or the Earth, and for the humans who work with them.


This planet is severely overpopulated and mankind has become a pestilence – this would not be such a problem if man were indeed kind, and if humanity was conscious and caring of the interconnection of all life, but most of humanity is unconscious at this time. The natural disasters that occur serve to awaken humanity to love and compassion for their fellow man, and for all living things, but this form of awakening is so traumatic that most people decide to go back to sleep, comforting themselves in the illusion of separation.


The crystal skulls are serving to awaken human consciousness, and the reason that people tend to “collect” and attract many crystal skulls is so that they can proliferate the light and expand consciousness to such a degree that it achieves critical mass – or crystalline light frequency.


If enough people reach a higher level of consciousness and vibrate at a higher frequency, it will raise the frequency of all, much like the hundredth monkey theory. Those who do not raise their frequency cannot and will not survive the coming shift, so the lightbeings are manifesting through the crystal skulls in order to facilitate this transition. Light is the key – keep your thoughts light, remain lighthearted, look for the light in all situations, see the light and be light – we will help you to be the lightbeings that you are.





Once you have the heart connection together as One - ask the Crystal Skull:

  1. to take you to the earth location where the Gemstone came from when it was still in the Earth Layer and what the message or energy is there.

  2. to take you to the carver of the Crystal Skull and what the message or energy is there.

  3. why the Crystal Skull has called to you and what the message or energy is in the here and now. This will change very often as you intimately connect together day/night by day etc.


Once the Crystal Skull has arrived:

You wash it under luke warm water and rub it in with some oil (Almond oil with some etheric Lavender oil).

  1. You now hold the Crystal Skull in your hands and allow a deep connection within the Heart

  2. You than called upon the Ancient Crystal Skulls, Collective field of the Crystal and Crystal Skulls together with the Crystal Elders and Light Beings that you are connected with.

  3. Let guidance allow than to create a welcoming Crystal Wheel or Grid to connect with the other Crystal Skulls and Crystals that n are present.

  4. Let them interact for awhile. If you are clairvoyant you can see the Light Lines connecting with each other or you can feel the uplifting of energy or know it. It could also be that you see the formation of Sacred Geometry occurring.

  5. If you have any Sacred Instruments such as singing bowls etc. play them as a welcome ceremony.

  6. Have fun and feel the flow of Pure Love Light.




Put the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull in front of you and look into the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull in silence with peace, ease and grace.

Try not only to look outwardly (appearance) of the stone but make an attempt to look into the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull. Take plenty of time for this.

Then place the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull in both of your hands. Feel what kind of energy the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull radiates and how it comes within you. Feel what it does to you.
Take here again ample time for this.

Then relax lay down on your back. Put the stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull on your third eye chakra and experience again what does this relate to you.

Say the following to your stone, gem, crystal or crystal skull  in yourself:
"I have chosen you today because I have the desire to exchange. iinformation with you




Zet de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel voor je neer en kijk er eens in alle rust naar. Probeer hierbij om niet alleen naar de buitenkant (het uiterlijk) van de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel te kijken.


Onderneem een poging om als het ware in de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel te kijken.

Neem hier ruim de tijd voor.


Pak daarna de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel met beide handen vast. Voel welke energie de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel uitstraalt en hoe deze energie bij jou binnenkomt. Voel wat dit met jou doet.

Neem ook hier weer ruim de tijd voor.


Ga daarna ontspannen op je rug liggen.

Leg de steen, edelsteen/kristal of kristallen schedel op je voorhoofd chakra en ervaar weer wat dit met jou doet.

Zeg daarbij in jezelf het volgende tegen je steen:

"Ik heb jou vandaag gekozen, omdat ik de wens heb om informatie met jou uit te wisselen.




Many people consider amethyst quartz to be the most popular crystal after clear quartz. Amethyst is also a favorite stone for meditation as it facilitates clear insight and wisdom. Amethyst crystal skulls open the mind to receive intuitive guidance and enhance psychic gifts.  Amethyst is the stone of intuition. It opens the crown and third eye chakras to receive clear guidance and intuition, connecting one with the divine. Amethyst facilitates communion and communication with one’s guides and with higher realms of consciousness. Amethyst also creates a bubble of protective light around you. Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. Amethyst has long been revered as a stone for royalty, and has graced crowns, scepters and the rings of bishops. 


Emotional Benefits: Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which promotes balance, patience and peace. Amethyst supports happiness and contentment, and can help overcome the suffering of personal loss and grief. It enhances emotional stability and inner strength, and encourages flexibility and cooperation. Amethyst can be supportive in releasing addictions and compulsive behavior, and in understanding the underlying cause and condition. It promotes courage and can help overcome phobias. Amethyst can also alleviate depression and calm anger. 


Mental Benefits: Amethyst helps to calm the mind and to still one's thoughts, and is therefore a powerful stone for supporting meditation, particularly deep meditation. Amethyst facilitates entering into meditative states and maintaining conscious awareness while in communion with the divine. It supports one to access higher levels of inspiration and creative thought, and facilities brain function. Because it enhances psychic abilities, it can promote intuitive thoughts and innovative ideas. Amethyst is a powerful stone for spiritual expansion and cognitive understanding.

Physical Benefits: Amethyst is helpful in reducing withdrawal symptoms and supporting sobriety. It can help balance the brain and blood sugar, and it can support relief from headaches, arthritis, and chronic  fatigue. Because of its calming abilities, is can alleviate insomnia, nightmares, and other sleep disorders. Amethyst supports the nervous system, and can also be helpful in reducing anxiety and ADD/ADHD. It is a strong protector, and supports the immune system. Amethyst can facilitate pregnancy, and assist with menopause and PMS. It is a gentle yet powerful healing stone. 


Spiritual Benefits: Amethyst is a powerful spiritual stone - a stone of mysticism. People who are highly psychic and intuitive are drawn to amethyst for its ability to enhance intuition and psychic powers. It opens and clears the third eye and the crown chakra to receive clear guidance and intuitive impressions. Amethyst creates a feeling of peace, calm and safety with developing and enhancing psychic abilities, and is excellent for supporting meditation and dream work. Amethyst assists in communicating with spirit guides and angels. It enhances telepathy, clairvoyant visions and lucid dreaming. 

Amethyst can also be powerfully protective, especially against psychic attack and negative psychic energy. It can clear one's energy field of negative influences and attachments, and wards off negativity in one's environment. When holding, carrying or wearing amethyst, intuitive senses become heightened to perceive danger, and to receive warnings and guidance. Amethyst transmutes lower energies into higher frequencies; it can help one transcend lower vibrations and attune to higher consciousness. Some believe that amethyst can connect one to the violet flame of St. Germaine,which purges negative karma and transmutes negative energy. 


 Environmental Benefits: Having amethyst around you surrounds you in a bubble of protective light. It creates a sense of peace that pervades your environment and calms everyone who enters your space. Having amethyst at work, particularly an amethyst crystal skull, can promote creative thinking and inspire innovative ideas through receiving intuitive guidance. For healing practitioners, amethyst can help clear negative energies and keep one's space clear, peaceful and harmonious. For counsellors, amethyst can assist in discovering underlying causes of conditions, while it promotes calm and stability. Because Amethyst activates the higher mind, it provides clear insight, comprehension, and understanding of the dynamics and root causes of life experiences. Amethyst creates a powerful resonant field that helps everyone remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction and intuitive information.  


 History & Lore: The ancient Romans used crushed amethyst to keep from becoming intoxicated, and the word "amethyst" comes from a Greek word "amethystus" which means "not drunken". One of the powerful properties of amethyst is that it is said to help one avoid and recover from intoxication and addiction.    




Angel Aura Quartz is created by bonding a clear natural Quartz crystal with a precious metal infusion of pure platinum and silver.


Metaphysical Properties:

Angel Aura is an excellent Aura Cleanser and acts to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra Energy Centers.


Intuitive sources say Angel Aura Quartz helps bring one into the higher realms in meditation, facilitating conscious contact with angels, spirit guides and inner realm teachers.


It is said to assist one with communing with Angels, accessing the Akashic records,

channeling higher knowledge, remembering pas t lives and gaining insight into one's 

spiritual mission in this lifetime.


In addition to transmitting its own unique vibration signature, Angel Aura combines the energetic properties of Clear quartz Crystal with Platinum and Silver. 


This can be used to balance the centers and meridians of the physical body to provide 

alignment of the physical body to the etheric body, to align the subtle bodies and provide the polarity adjustments which are necessary within the physical body for optimum health. It can also provide permanence to relationships. 


It can be used to strengthen the memory and is a "stone of happy dreams and changes".


This has been used to awaken both the psychic and mystical qualities. It helps one to understand the higher powers of intuition and mysticism and utilize these powers to enhance a personal understanding in realms of the sacred. 


It can also be used to encourage flashes of intuition and insight. It assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes.


It is used to invoke visions and vision quests. 


It has also been used to provide a connection to the stars, facilitating communications between the Earth plan and the "star people"of this world and other world and spirit guides. 


It tends to provide a grounding action while enchancing the transfer of information. It is an excellent stone for cleansing and brightening the aura and stimulate healing. 




Angel Aura is the result of an alchemical process that permanently coats quartz crystal with pure platinum and silver, creating a gorgeous pearly iridescence of silvery rainbow colors, including gold, silver, blue, purple and pink. 


Photos cannot show the exquisite luminescent beauty of these Angel Aura Crystal Skulls that look like translucent rainbow pearl crystals. 


The metallic rainbow colors shine on the surface of these crystal skulls as well as within them. They are breathtaking! 


Angel Aura Crystal Skulls helps recall past lives, increases insight and intuition, and clarifies spiritual purpose. It facilitates channeling of higher knowledge and connecting with higher realms. 


In meditation, Angel Aura supports conscious connection with angels and spirit guides. Angel Aura promotes peace, tranquility and contentment.


It enhances inner beauty and attracts outer beauty. Angel Aura Crystal Skulls cleanses the aura and clears the chakras. It facilitates accessing the Akashic Record, and gaining awareness of one’s spiritual mission.



Aquamarine is known as the gemstone for peace, creativity and communication. It aids the 5th chakra of the throat to open with clear communication, and supports ease of expressing thoughts and feelings. 





The opaque white lines with Amethyst is the gemstone that is given at Valentine to loved ones. This type of Amethyst is called the "chevron amethyst" 


The bright lines are called fleches d'amour. Chevron Amethyst (also called "Banded Amethyst") is a combination of Amethyst and White Quartz, mixed together in a V-striped or banded pattern.  


Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst.  This symbiotic combination of minerals lends itself to a wonderfully spiritual stone, which is great for gently removing the veils that obscure some of the hidden meanings in life. 


Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence.  


Use Chevron Amethyst to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds.  


Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system. 


Crystal healers work with Chevron Amethyst for its psychic energies and for its ability to clear and strengthen the aura.  Chevron Amethyst can amplify energies needed for manifestation and works well in grid work.  


Chevron Amethyst is also said to deepen the meditative state, enhancing the quality and frequency of visions and inspiration from higher realms. 


Metaphysical: Primary Chakra: Third Eye, Crown 


Astrological sign(s): All Vibration: 

Number 2 Fun 


Fact: The Chevron is also a V-shaped pattern in insignia, heraldry, flag design, road signs, architecture and construction 


The energy of these crystals is deeply transformative. 

Chevron Amethyst eases emotional and psychic trauma associated with deep fundamental transformation. 


Chevron amethyst is grounding and protective. 


Work with Hematite-capped Chevron Amethyst to release pain from your shadow and reintegrate in integrity and light. 


Also known as "Crown Amethyst". Natural Chevron

Amethyst from India, used to draw forth your self-awareness and tame the emotions. Once you feel this shift, you also feel your authority and know your regal power.   


Geological: Stone 


Type/Family: Member of the Quartz family Crystal 


System: Trigonal Chemical Composition: (SiO2) Silicon Dioxide 


Hardness: 7   


Physical: Color:  Deep, grape purple with white striping and/or bands 


Location: Africa, Brazil, and India (came from China) 

Rarity: Common   


When you are drawn to work with Amethyst, especially banded Chevron Amethyst, it tells us that you have fought for hard won acquisitions and made personal progress. ...And now whatever the hurt, whatever the wrong done to you; your feelings are justified and it is time to release them to the Astral Realms then clear away the debris.   


Meditate with Chevron Amethyst to access your regal power.  



Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection that guards against psychic attacks. It quickly releases stress and anxiety, bringing deep peace and harmony. 


Lapis encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth. It enhances insight, intellect, peacefulness and self-acceptance. 


Lapis enhances the interconnectedness of the higher bodies with the physical body, improving communication with the outer world. 


It is said to impart ancient knowledge and wisdom. 


It bonds relationships, brings happiness in love, and aids in expressing feelings and emotions. 


It may alleviate insomnia and vertigo, and overcome depression and fatigue.





 Quartz Crystal seems to be by far the favorite stone for crystal skulls, perhaps because many of the ancient crystal skulls are also made of quartz, or possibly because of the quartz piezo - electric characteristic that makes quartz crystals very powerful. 


Emotional Benefits: Clear quartz can increase emotional energy and motivation, while calming chaotic emotions. It aids emotional stability, and supports feelings of peace, calm and safety. Clear crystal skulls with rainbows in them are particularly helpful for promoting joy and emotional wellbeing. 


Mental Benefits: Clear quartz enhances intuition and increases insight and wisdom, as it acts as a receiver for energy and information. It is excellent for amplifying intention and focusing the mind in meditation.


It increases and focuses mental function and concentration. Clear quartz also promotes memory and recall.  


Physical Benefits: Clear quartz is considered a Master Healing stone as it is an all-purpose healer. Quartz fortifies and strengthens all systems of the body. It is said to be highly effective for chronic fatigue, depression, and arthritis. It improves mental and physical energy, stamina and physical strength. 


It absorbs, stores, releases, cleanses, purifies, balances, harmonizes and regulates energy. It can neutralize electromagnetic radiation (EMF), and is excellent for anyone who spends a lot of time around computers or electronic equipment (including cell phones), as well as for anyone who lives in a city, industrialized area, or near power lines. 


Clear quartz amplifies healing energy and is believed to draw out pain. It is excellent for headaches, and has a cooling and calming quality. Clear Quartz balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. It cleanses the body and the organs, brings the body into balance, and stimulates the immune system. Clear quartz can also speed healing and recovery. 


It is a good overall enhancer for health and wellbeing.



What is Nuummite?

The Ancient Stone Nuummite is of volcanic origin formed about 3.8 billion years ago, making it one of the oldest stones found on Earth. It is also one of the rarest stones, as it is only found in one place in Greenland, and can only be mined during the thaw in the summer months. Very little Nuummite ever becomes available, and it is even rarer to find it carved into a crystal skull. Nuummite is named after Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. It is a striking black stone with sprays of bright iridescent flashes that look like fireworks or a meteor shower all over the stone. This flash usually comes in two varieties: multi-colored flash (with blues, greens, and gold tones) or gold flash (golden bronze tones) and very rarely, red flash.

Nuummite can be used to open, activate and integrate all of the chakras; it is especially beneficial for opening and clearing the heart chakra, as well as the third eye and solar plexus. It helps one develop self-mastery, confidence and self-acceptance, supporting one to love all aspects of oneself. It assists one to come into full power, and to recognize one's gifts and talents.


Professional intuitives have said that Nuummite skulls are the most communicative and “chatty” skulls they have ever worked with, and they offer clear and direct guidance. Nuummite skulls are far more powerful than anything else we have encountered, even more intense than Moldavite, but also more gentle.


Nuummite is truly intense, and not for the faint of heart. Even the smallest Nuummite crystal skulls are very powerful, and perhaps not for “beginners” – however, they are also very gentle and loving, and extremely beautiful. They offer clear guidance for transformation, and greatly intensify your power of attraction and manifestation.


Nuummite has extremely powerful energy. It is a very protective shielding stone that can protect you and your home/environment from all kinds of negative energy on the physical, etheric and emotional levels.


Nuummite helps remove energy blocks. It clears and heals the aura, filling holes and repairing tears in the auric field. It harmonizes intellectual thought with psychic and intuitive wisdom, and supports inner vision and clairvoyance. It is helpful for grounding both the physical and etheric bodies, and it can draw energy from the etheric body to energize the physical.


On the physical level, Nuummite can be used for general healing of all kinds, including purifying the blood, supporting the kidneys, relieving infections, improving eyesight, and supporting the central nervous system.

Nuummite helps to clear and release self-imposed limitations and constraints. It supports one to prioritize and act upon what is truly most important. It is also a stone for grounding and manifesting wealth and prosperity on the Earthly plane.

A stone of personal magic and "Good luck"

According to Robert Simmons in "Stones of the New Consciousness":

"Nuummites draw upon the fiery energies of the Earth's core, and they offer us the gift of inner power. They can facilitate journeys into the depths of the psyche. Nuummite can aid in releasing energies trapped in the subconscious. It can help one recall and release fixated energies from childhood, birth or even past lives.

Nuummite may be used as a gazing stone, helping one move into altered states of consciousness. It can enhance clairvoyance and intuition. It can help one learn the language of the body and channel healing energies for oneself and others. It is a stone of personal magic that can increase the frequency of synchronicities and "good luck" in life. Nuummite facilitates efforts to transform ungrounded fantasy into magical reality. As a gifting stone, it signifies deep love, for it symbolizes the gift of sovereignty."








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